Our traditional service is rich with liturgy, music, and spiritual depth. The music is diverse; some weeks the hymns are led on piano and violin and other times on an organ. This service also often features our Chancel Choir, Men's Choir, and Handbell Choir.
Looking for something with a more modern feel? Our contemporary service is the place to be. You'll find a full band with a good balance between high-energy worship and times of deep reflection. We'd love to have you worship and experience God's unending love with us.
Even if you don't live in Rapid City, travel south for the winter, or are simply out of town - you can still worship with us! Each week, we offer a hybrid worship service online that you can find here on our website, live on our Facebook page, or on YouTube. If you pop by online, leave us a comment or a prayer request so we can be praying for you!
The Hand Bell Choir plays once a month. Interested in playing? Contact Kimberly Pehrson at the Church office.
Our talented youth strings occasionally provide music in worship. If you have a youth interested in the strings group contact Larry Lashley, Elizabeth Ellender, or the church office.
To join the Chancel Choir contact Larry Lashley the choir director, or the church office. They practice Wednesdays (Sept-May) at 6:00pm in the Sanctuary.
To join the Men's Gospel Choir contact Dawna Tsitrian or the church office.
To talk about joining the worship band, contact the church office.