Hey there! We’re super excited to welcome you to Canyon Lake United Methodist Church! We often refer to Canyon Lake United Methodist Church as CLUMC. We're a bit biased, but CLUMC is an awesome place. If you're looking, please know we'd be honored to be your church home! We have two uniquely gifted pastors and a wonderful team of staff and servants who make CLUMC a fun place to worship, grow, and serve. Welcome!
PARKING AND MAIN DOOR: There is parking both above and below the church. The main parking lot is on top and that will get you closest to the main doors which are marked by the word "Sanctuary." Wheelchair-accessible parking is available.
WHAT'S FOR KIDS? Kids are always welcome in worship; their wiggles are just fine with us plus we have a area called the Grace Space where kids can play and be in worship if they choose! But, if you feel more comfortable, Mrs. Erin, our amazing Children's Coordinator, always has the nursery (The Ark) available during both services and Sunday school. Erin also leads both Sunday School and Wednesday Jam for preschool - 5th graders. For more information, you can click here or contact Erin.
Children's message is offered at Sunday services. At each service, Erin offers a special message just for kids. It's always themed to match the pastor's message that day - but in a way that kids can relate to!
Sunday School is offered during the school year at 9:30 AM for children, youth, and adults of all ages. Learn more.
HOW SHOULD I DRESS? Any way you want! Some come in shorts and jeans or dresses or casual pants and others in more formal attire. Whatever makes you comfortable - we're okay with that. You'll often see our pastors in jeans.
WHAT'S THE NEWER BIG BUILDING? That's the Christian Life Center (CLC). The Middle School and High School youth have their spaces in that building along with a kitchen, gym, showers, fellowship space, a few classrooms, and a chapel.
NEXT STEPS? If you've decided that CLUMC is your church (yeah!) or want to learn more, please let us know. Catch one of us after service, make a note on the Friendship Pads, or call the church office (605) 348-1080.